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What is the Graston technique?

A unique treatment method I use at Bont Chiropractic is the Graston technique. Graston is manual therapy known as instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization (IASTM). This treatment is performed using instruments to noninvasively penetrate soft tissue. The instrument can be used in a motion that is described as a cross-friction massage. During the Graston technique, an instrument is combed across the skin to detect injured soft tissue (fibrotic tissue with irregular fibers). 

            This treatment is a non-painful option that offers faster recovery, a reduction of treatment time, increased range of motion, relief in muscle tension, reduction of scar tissue and is effective in alleviating pain.  This treatment is used on most all of our current Olympic athletes.

            I personally have had great success utilizing Graston technique to treat muscle strains, sprains, torn ligaments, sports impact injuries, whiplash injuries, and to breakdown old scar tissue.       Graston is quickly spreading throughout all healthcare and athletic) fields. Give us a call to learn if Graston technique may be the best option for you.


Why do my hands go numb while I’m trying to sleep?

This is a great question, and a common finding in patients at Bont Chiropractic.  This feeling may be described as “tingling”, “numbness”, or “falling asleep”. The symptoms occur when there is compression of the nervous system between your spine and wrist. This can be caused by a misalignment of the spine, tight muscles in the neck, or poor sleeping posture. All of which are very treatable.  Many times, a patient will have what they believe is carpal tunnel syndrome, however it may actually be compression of a nerve in the neck.

 At Bont Chiropractic we use orthopedic tests to track the compression directly to the vertebral level or the specific muscle.  This allows us to know where in the spine needs to be adjusted and what muscles need to be released in order to relieve symptoms. A combination of adjustments, muscle work, and ultrasound or EMS therapy will be used to relieve the compression.  This will lead to a decrease in the intensity and frequency of the symptoms.  Having a nervous system that is free of any blockage allows you to live your healthiest life.


Can Chiropractic care help with my neck pain? I feel like my head is always leaning forward.  

This is a great question, and a common finding in patients at Bont Chiropractic.  This feeling may be described as “tingling”, “numbness”, or “falling asleep”. The symptoms occur when there is compression of the nervous system between your spine and wrist. This can be caused by a misalignment of the spine, tight muscles in the neck, or poor sleeping posture. All of which are very treatable.  Many times, a patient will have what they believe is carpal tunnel syndrome, however it may actually be compression of a nerve in the neck.

 At Bont Chiropractic we use orthopedic tests to track the compression directly to the vertebral level or the specific muscle.  This allows us to know where in the spine needs to be adjusted and what muscles need to be released in order to relieve symptoms. A combination of adjustments, muscle work, and ultrasound or EMS therapy will be used to relieve the compression.  This will lead to a decrease in the intensity and frequency of the symptoms.  Having a nervous system that is free of any blockage allows you to live your healthiest life.


I feel that my left leg is shorter than my right. Is this possible? Can Chiropractic care help with this issue?  

-Maggie from Star Prairie  

Hi Maggie, it is very possible that you have one leg that is shorter than the other. As we go through our daily lives many of us are unaware of how our body posture can lead to differences in alignment. One of the most common causes of leg length discrepancy is pelvic un-leveling. This is when a person’s hips (ilia) have shifted in a way that one side is superior to the other.  When one side of the pelvis (ilium) has shifted upward it brings the leg with it, causing a short leg on that side.  The short leg will cause changes in gate (how a person walks), posture, strength, and flexibility. This in itself is an easy issue to correct with chiropractic manipulations. The leg length, and pelvis will be assessed and a specific adjustment will be made in order to restore balance to the pelvis. When pelvic un-leveling is left untreated the body compensates by rotating different levels of the spine. Leading to unnatural posture, increased weight on individual segments, damaged intervertebral discs, and potentially pinched nerves.   

                Pelvic un-leveling is a common problem we see everyday in the clinic. When caught early it is a simple and short treatment plan that leads to fast relief. When a person waits too long the treatment becomes much more complex, and often takes much longer to correct. Along with adjustments, the patient will be shown exercises that allows them to maintain their pelvic level.  

                If you feel your “hips are off”, have a short leg, have pain in the pelvic or low back region come in for an exam and adjustment today. Start your journey to a pain free life at Bont Chiropractic.  


Should my kids (7 and 12) be coming to the chiropractor?

                -Darcie from Taylor Falls

Absolutely, they should come to the chiropractor! Chiropractic care is safe and effective for all ages. Treatment can provide improvement to a child’s overall health and well-being by promoting a healthy nervous system and proper spinal alignment. Children are constantly growing, which can sometimes lead to misalignment of the spine or joints. The misalignment, also known as subluxations, can cause pain, discomfort, and can even effect their posture.  Chiropractic care has not only shown benefits to musculoskeletal conditions, but also to be an effective option in the management of headaches, ear infections, asthma, and even ADHD. This is because chiropractic care focuses on the nervous system, which controls all aspects of the body’s function. By removing interference in the nervous system, the body is able to naturally heal itself.

 Another benefit to bringing a child into the chiropractor is the thorough health exam they will receive. Things such as range of motion, reflexes, muscle strength, gait, vision, and vitals will be tested. Seeing a chiropractor is a great way to ensure your child is growing healthy and strong.  Catching conditions such as Scoliosis before a child is fully developed can make a world of difference in their adult life. Chiropractic care can help the child develop a straighter back and improved posture without drugs or invasive surgery.

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